Truly, I’m Thankful by Pat Garcia

Cover of turn the light on

Truly, I’m Thankful

Woke Up this morning.
Shades of pink speckled the white cirrocumulus clouds,
Spread thinly across portions of the blue Heaven,
Outside my window.

Beautiful to behold, I lay in my bed,
As words of thanksgiving poured out of my mouth
from the most profound depth of my soul.

A year of dealing with goodbyes,
Confusion and dread spiked my past.
Leaving me with only one question: how long, Lord?
As I thanked Him for each precious day,
Each treasured breath,
And each cherished memory I am taking with me.

There are always new beginnings,
But how often do we forget,
That new beginnings herald leaving the old,
And stretching toward the new.

Stepping forward,
The beginning vaporizes the old into sweeping recollections.
With each step taken,
A door closes that we see no more.

Our circle gets smaller.
As we begin to climb.
The price is high, but it is even higher if we don’t move.

So, I greet you this morning,
In the middle of a pandemic that seems to have no end,
From a world filled with hungry people who have barely enough to eat,
From a world where immigrants are condemned to living in tents in freezing weather,
And for wanting better homes, schooling, and yes, opportunities for their children,
From a world flooded with conspiracies from left and right,
A world where we have elevated ourselves upward as gods,
Yet, we have no answers to what’s happening on our planet.

Could it be that a voice speaks to us from within that we fail to listen to?

Despite all that’s taking place,
Despite my fears and doubts about man’s ability to get it right and do what needs to be done…
I am thankful.
Because God is faithful.
He is still good.

I say all this to announce that my first baby (book baby) will enter the world on February 23rd.
Yes, truly, I am thankful.

Be blessed and be safe, everyone.

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia

Author: patgarcia

Writer, Blogger, Poet, Singer, Musician

19 thoughts on “Truly, I’m Thankful by Pat Garcia”

  1. Congratulations on the publication, Pat. I can’t wait to dive into it. I suspect you found divine inspiration as you wrote. Enjoy these days after the launch of your book baby, always a sweet time as I remember.

    Thank you too for subscribing to my blog. However, the link you subscribed to is obsolete. Here is the one that works now:

    (Incidentally, my web guy says I have to keep the old one active for some reason, which I’m not sure about.)

    Soli Deo Gloria!

    1. Thank you so much, Marian. I look forward to your review.
      I mentioned on Your post on Robbie’s blog that I read your book. I enjoyed it very much. Thanks also for sending me the correct link to your blog.
      Wishing you the very best.
      Shalom aleichem

  2. Thank you for sharing your sweet words of inspiration. It is difficult to remember our blessings when times are tough, but yes, God is always beside us to give us love and hope.
    Congratulations on your new release! Thrilled for you.

    1. Thank you for dropping by JQ. I have to confess that I love writing my gratitude posts. They always pick me up.
      Have a great week.
      Shalom aleichem

    1. Thank you so much, Yvette. I love writing my gratitude posts. They pick me up.
      Thank you also for purchasing Turn The Light On. I hope you enjoy it.
      Shalom aleichem

    1. Thank you, my dear Bette. You are a wonderful poet and therefore I treasure what you have just said. That has made my day.
      Have a great week.
      Shalom aleichem

  3. Thank you for sharing your beautiful poem, Pat, and congratulations on your book baby! I am so very, very happy for you, and I’m looking forward to reading it right away. 💗

    1. Thank you, Gwen. Writing my gratitude is always a big boost for me. It brings me out of the darkness and I see light.
      Thanks also for purchasing my book baby.
      Have a great week.
      Shalom aleichem

    1. Thank you, Wanda, for coming by. I am glad the gratitude poem helped you.
      Take care and have a great week.
      Shalom aleichem

    1. Thank you so much Joylene. Your recognition means a lot to me.
      Take care and I wish you a great week, my friend.
      Shalom aleichem

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