Day 2, January 3, 2023

This morning, I awoke. Around 6:30 a.m. I looked at the sky and noticed it was getting brighter. It was no longer the same dark tone hanging over my village, and I said thank you. The days are getting longer second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour. 

As it was getting closer to me moving more into my day, my telephone rang at 11:00. I hadn’t reached my cut-off time of 11:30 a.m. so I didn’t answer my phone. I suspected twenty minutes after my phone had rung that it was someone who knew my habits and knew that I would return her call. 

I did. This person lost her best friend two weeks before Christmas and needed to talk. Over a year, she has lost her two besties. The first died in 2021; now, her second best friend has left her. I listened. It’s hard to cut someone off when they need something I can give. Even though I am protective of my time, I willingly give it when someone needs help. 

This morning has been stressful. Since I have been in my office, I have lost my internet connection four times on my computer and three times upstairs while listening to my ebook during breakfast. In other words, interference is taking place. Most of the time, we get a note written on our screen that the internet connections are unstable. That our Communication Networks have not been stable since May of 2021 bothers me. It used to upset me so much more until I learned how to flow with it. 

I’m learning to be more appreciative of all those computer and internet specialists that are walking on this earth.

By the way, the sun is shining here, and I mean brightly shining. It is soooo good to see the sun. We have had some freezing days in Germany. If someone had told me that I would learn to shower and get dressed in a cold bathroom, I would have said no way. But I’ve learned, and it has made me wiser about myself. 

I have a lot to do today.

a. Prepare for two writing classes I am taking,

b. Begin a new short story that will complete one I have already written but have yet to be published,

c. Finish up my novel,

d. Answer emails and text messages,

e. Go to the bakery and

f. Write in my diary.

It will probably be 11 p.m. when I have finished, and then I will be ready to crawl into my bed and sleep. So, until tomorrow, I say thank you and good morning or good night in whatever part of the world you’re in. 

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia


Author: patgarcia

Writer, Blogger, Poet, Singer, Musician

14 thoughts on “A DAY IN MY LIFE… SUBTITLE: SNIPPETS OF ME By Pat Garcia”

  1. Every day ? Incredible, swo disciplined, , but hw do you stop life getting in the way ? For instncance, ten days ago, lost a lens.- and discovered yhet another shortage. Needed new specs too ( lost lens) Collected, but they’re for someboidy else…

    aleichem shalom

  2. Hi Pat. We all have had some glitches with our computers. We all have lost some friends. It’s nice that you are there when someone needs you, giving of your time. It is interesting learning about your day over in Germany. I look forward to your snippets.

  3. Hi Pat, Donna Atwood here. I think you are spot-on when it comes to protecting your time. I also sense that you are a very good friend. Regarding your schedule, it reminds me a lot of mine. While I wouldn’t presume to speak for you, I know that I’m always (well, almost always) trying to figure out how to work a few extra minutes of shut-eye into my routine. Here’s to wishing you a blessed day ; )

  4. You have a beautiful heart, Pat Garcia. As busy as you are, you’ll still make time to comfort a friend. I honestly don’t know how you can flow with internet disruptions. It happens here, too, but not nearly as many times as you get in one day. And cold showers? Brrr! Your to-do list sounds daunting. May you complete your lessons and writing projects in good time! God bless you!

  5. Hi, Pat! Thank you for being a good friend to your friend 🙂 Sometimes, all we need to calm our spirit is a listening, and caring ear.

    I love your routine, but more than that, I admire how you guard your time so well.

    Keep up the good work, and I hope that tomorrow you get to step out of the shower into a bit of warmth. If not from the temperature of the room, you’ll get it from the grace and kindness that fuels your heartbeat.

    See you tomorrow, Pat!

  6. Computers are amazing but frustrating at the same time. It’s just one of those hassles we have to put up with. Keep up the great work.

  7. Hi Pat! Is your cable Wi Fi or are your devices connected with cables from your modem?

    Sorry about your friend, but it’s great that you can lend an ear when one is needed. Kudos that you are able to work on three different writing projects at the same time…it’s hard for me to focus on just one.

  8. Happy writing, Pat! I would find internet instability frustrating as well. What are the writing classes you’re taking? That’s intriguing. I had wanted to take a writing retreat in Tuscany next June but it turns out it’s too expensive. Your visit to the bakery is attractive to me. I could use a good bakery visit about now. Hope you got something tasty!

  9. Pat, you are probably snug in bed by now considering it’s almost 4:00 o’clock in the eastern time zone.
    Here’s to warm baths and hot writing! ((( )))

  10. Hi, Pat! I understand about internet connectivity. We have become reliant on it over at my house. I’m sorry about your friend’s losses. I’m glad you’re there for her. I can’t wait to read your new offerings!

  11. I’m in awe of your tight schedule. My schedule is to wake at some point in the day, post banners and book trailers to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Mastodon, and then reply to any comments on past links. My dog is scheduled twice a day for checking his insulin levels, feeding, insulin shot, and medicine. When I have time, I write poetry and should work on my manuscript. I wonder if a tight schedule would work for me.

  12. I know people can adjust to most temperatures, especially if you live there long enough, but I don’t handle the cold well at all – whether it is man-made or natural. It’s one of the reasons I don’t ever think I will live anywhere but South Florida. The unstable internet would prove very frustrating for me, but you are wise in your understanding that you just need to learn to flow with the instability because there isn’t much you can do about it. Happy writing, Pat! I look forward to reading what you have in the works. 🙂

    1. Dearest Pat, I thought I had left a comment here yesterday, but it is not here. Who knows where it is. I see that you are a busy lady – and keeping up with your writing, too. I’m glad – I love your stories! Our skies were gray and drizzly here today, so enjoy your sun. Sun can be fleeting in these months. I’m sorry about your friend and her losses. It is so heartbreaking to lose anyone, and a best friend is so sorely missed. Have a good day (or night, not sure what time it is over there).

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