Day 4, January 5, 2023,

Good Morning,

One or two people (possibly more) have asked me questions. I noticed them on my blog but have yet to respond, but I will. I started the week running down the soccer field like a soccer player. It has been a long hard week because the first Wednesday of every month is my blogging cycle for my support group. We have about 140 bloggers that participate, and each member posts a blog article about how they’re doing in the writing world, and we encourage and help where we can. I have been in this group for over ten years. I started at number 179 or 180 on the list. Yesterday, I found out I’d moved up to number 49. The rules are simple. You have to post. If you miss two months of publishing an article, you’re deleted from the group, and the writers move up a step. I have only missed one month of posting in the group, and that was when my husband died. The group leader and the group itself overwhelmed me with love. 

Thus, I am juggling a ball between the Challenge and maintaining my commitment to my support group. They depend on me to be there.

I awoke this morning, lay a few minutes longer enjoying my warm bed, and daydreamed. I love my bed. When I crawl between the downy feathered comforter, it doesn’t take me long to fall asleep. 

While lying, my list floated across my mind, and I remembered that my grocery shopping and bakery still needed to be done, and I had only one egg in the house. That’s typical of me. If I am working, I don’t usually stop to go grocery shopping. Eating is the last thing on my mind. So it is common for me to have nothing in the house to eat. I cook enough three times a week to eat leftovers the next day after each day of cooking. On Sundays, my best friend and I usually go out to eat. So, I got up, washed up, went to REWE, and bought enough food for breakfast until I cross those two items off my list Saturday.

I’m going to end the article now. I need the time for other things. I visited about 12 or 15 support blogs yesterday, but I usually visit at least 25 blogs, and these people are expecting me. 

And I want to visit the blogs of the writers from yesterday who participated in the Challenge.

My list of things to do today includes the following:

  1. Taking the time to daydream and take a nap,
  2. Answering emails and text messages, and,
  3. Sitting before my fireplace.
  4. Maybe, I’ll play my piano, but I’m not sure. I’m working on some blues songs, and I like the discord that I’ve put in the songs, and I need to let this dissonance settle in my gut. 

Have a lovely day,

Shalom aleichem

Pat Garcia

Author: patgarcia

Writer, Blogger, Poet, Singer, Musician

16 thoughts on “A DAY IN MY LIFE…SUBTITLE: SNIPPETS OF ME By Pat Garcia @RRBC_ORG @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA #RWISA #RRBC #ADayinMyLife @pat_garcia”

  1. Hi Pat,

    It looks like I missed this post…I’m terribly sorry! I’ve probably missed another one or two with some other people, but never intentionally. I think I’m confusing myself because I try to respond here and there in between things, instead of sitting down at one time everyday and just getting it done. Anyway, I too love my bed. And I really love to sleep! I’m sure everyone here understands your other commitments as we’re all juggling busy lives. I actually hesitated when I first saw this blogging challenge, but honesty, there is never a convenient time to write! The last several years of my life have moved at warp speed, the amount of change has bordered on ridiculous! Anyway, I really enjoyed your post, have a great day! : )

    Best wishes,
    Donna M Atwood

    1. Hello Donna,
      You don’t have to apologise. I understand. This is a Challenge and it takes lot of energy to get through it. I have been visiting your blog every day and it seems like my posts are either in your spam or they haven’t gone through. Please let me know which the days you didn’t receive one, and I will read those posts again and leave you a comment.
      Have a lovely day.
      Shalom aleichem

  2. You write blues Pat. I can’t stand the blues. Its too blue and sad for me.

    I know what you mean about keeping up with the blog challenge. I’m trying to catch up now. That’s why I’m at your site. 😁
    My condolences for the loss of your husband. I don’t think you ever really get over something like that.

    See you later!

    1. Hello, Shirley,
      I like almost all kinds of music and blues is just one genre.
      You’re doing a fantastic job of keeping up. As for the death of my husband, I think you do get over it when you’re a Christian. Nothing and no one is forever. And I am enjoying my single life tremendously.
      Take care and have a lovely day.
      Shalom aleichem

      1. Hi, Pat! This particular comment of yours has left me deep in thought. I don’t think simply because you are a Christian that you move past the loss of a loved one. In fact, I’m quite sure that isn’t the case for EVERY Christian, but, I am so happy it works for you.

        I can tell you now that when my husband leaves this earth or my daughters, or any number of people whom I love dearly, I won’t be getting over any of the losses, EVER. My mom and my grandmother died months apart, again, I pick up the phone, still today to call, as if they are still here… so, I’m far from being over those losses.

        I enjoyed your post! On to the next!

        Thanks for sharing, Pat!

      2. Good Morning, Nonnie,
        Thank you. I am happy that my comment to Shirley left you in deep thought. I didn’t mean to say that being a Christian moves all Christians past the loss of a loved one, because I know many Christians that have not moved past the death of a loved one, and they are miserably unhappy on this earth. I am saying that because I am a Christian and firmly rooted in my faith and belief that this life on earth is a journey and that the life that I will live is beyond this journey, and is hidden behind a veil, and is eternal. I also believe what is in the Bible about marriage, It says, until death do us part, and I believe that. I did everything I could for my husband while he was living. When he died, he was in our home, and I was right by him. When he crossed over, our marriage ended.
        I had no regrets, and I could joyfully celebrate his home going because I had loved him until the end. And this has been my reaction so far for all those people who have died that I love dearly.
        Maybe one day we will have time to talk about this.
        Take care and have a lovely day.
        Shalom Aleichem

  3. Pat, I’m in another writing group, too. This challenge is harder than I thought it would be. I spend much of my day reading the other challengers’ posts, commenting, responding to their comments on my previous post, and then finally coming up with something to write about. Last night it was after 10 pm when I posted my piece and re-reading it today, saw that it contained more errors than I’m comfortable putting into the blogosphere. I need to make a schedule just as you’ve done.

    Good writing as usual.🤗

    1. Hi, Pat! I suppose I’m not there yet. I know that when my husband dies, he will still be my husband, and vice versa, I will still be his wife. When my children go, they will still be my babies (although, I’m sure hoping they are burying me and not I, them). When the time comes when I might have to say goodbye to them, I said it when they were born and now that they are adults nothing has changed – I meant it then, I mean it now, they should probably prepare to bury me with them. That’s the love flowing here within me.

      I’m so glad for you that you made it through your dear husband’s passing, Pat. I know that I will never have that strength – at times, I pray for it just so that I won’t lose my sanity, and in others, I don’t know that I’d want it.

      And yes, we’ll have a more in-depth chat about this one day 🙂

      Awesome post!

  4. Pat, what a lovely post – so unique, it’s been a pleasure to read. My particular favourite was the image you left us with of you writing some blues at your piano – perfect. I wish you all you wish yourself for 2023.

    Debs posting today from Fiction Can Be Fun
    Also found at Debs Despatches

  5. I love the idea of being in a blog group, but if I did that, I would never have time to write books. I believe I write slower than most authors since I overthink my words. I do that with my books. I write, edit, and rewrite. However, when I wrote the posts for this challenge, I wrote them quickly in one sitting and used Grammarly to correct my comma errors. The comma is my nemesis.

  6. Hi, Pat. You have your priorities right. I’m glad you take some time to daydream and sit by the fire. What a great idea it is to schedule it in! I’m going to take some cues from you and go to bed early tonight. Be blessed! You are such a blessing to everyone else.

  7. You are a trooper, Pat. And your story today proves the value of vulnerability and the need for human connection. Go easy on yourself today. You are worth it!

    1. Pat, it’s lovely that you take so much time to support others – that is “so you”! I smiled when I saw that you schedule in time for things like sitting before your fireplace and daydreaming. Both of those things are definitely things writers should do and probably contribute to the dreamy quality of some of your works. Keep on being you! We love it.

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