Welcome to #Author, Pat Garcia’s Home! – @pat_garcia #RRBC

Welcome to My Author Website


Everything must change; nothing remains the same, a song sung by Nina Simone.

As a writer, I know these words to be true, yet they are still hard pills to swallow. Sometimes, change creates a glorious high where my cup of joy runs over. However, there are times when the opposite takes place and I drown in the sea of disappointment trying to keep my head above water. In such times, I want to hide. The pain is unbearable but a hiding place cannot be found. This is where my belief system comes in. It plays the most existential role in my life. My belief system helps me to see, not from my emotions, or my limited intellect, or from the circumstances that are dragging me down. 

These are the thoughts that run through my mind as I sit at my computer creating a welcoming post for my author website and newsletter.

This site will showcase my writing with links to the blogs I write on, my works in progress, my short stories, my creative non-fiction, my poetry, my flash fiction, and of course, give me a swift kick to get out my newsletter which comes out four times a year. You may also sign up for it below or on the Newsletter button within the website.

I hope my website and my newsletter will give you a tiny iota of an idea about how my brain ticks, something that I have to admit, I am still trying to figure out. But more than that, I hope you find something that will give you strength to keep going. 

So, welcome, I am glad to have you here.

Shalom aleichem,





Pat Garcia


15 thoughts on “Welcome to #Author, Pat Garcia’s Home! – @pat_garcia #RRBC”

  1. Your comment on my blog post drew me here with the reminder that “everything must change. Nothing remains the same. Thank you for again reading my blog post. You are a kind woman, Pat!

    1. Thank you, Marian. I‘m not always punctual when another author post a blog post because I am caught in writing my stories or reading. But there are certain blogs that I don’t forget and I comment when I have the time. Your blog belongs to that group.
      Have a lovely month of June and take care.
      Shalom aleichem 👧🏾🥰

  2. Hi Pat. Just want you to know I got my copy of “Turn the Light On.” Now have to add it to my TBR. Congrats!

  3. Hi Pat, I’m so glad to hear that your new release is doing well, that you are learning new things, and that RRBC has your back (I expected them too:) ) Your trailer was excellent and I wish you success with the book!

    1. Hi Joy,
      I don’t have a published book out yet. My first book will be released on February 14th. The title is Turn The Light On and it is a short story.
      Shalom aleichem,

  4. Congrats on the new site, Pat. Change is a constant. I think the sensitivity you describe, the highs and lows, become fodder for a writer’s stories. We are the purveyors of pathos, hope, passion, and victory. Happy Writing.

    1. Please, excuse me for my late reply. Yes, I agree. I believe a writer that wants to reach people’s hearts must be willing to be vulnerable to some extent.
      Shalom aleichem

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