Double Good

Want to help a worthy cause? 

Starting tomorrow, the 7th of July, 2022, the Rave Reviews Book Club is holding a fundraiser with Double Good Popcorn for Gift Basket giveaways and programs during our 7th Annual Writers’ Conference and Book Expo.

If you have never tried this popcorn, now is the time to do so. Just tap on the link below and order your favorite popcorn, and it will be delivered right to your front door.

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia

YOU COULD WIN $420 In Amazon Gift Cards! @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA #WCBE21

Hello Everyone,
I am attending the RRBC’s 6th Annual Writers’ Conference and Book Expo. I am having a blast. Drop-in or come-in and join in on the fun. I hope to see you there.
Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia

Shout Outs To The RRBC Writers’ Conference & Book Expo, And The Romance Writers’ Of America Conference By Pat Garcia

After an extremely busy August, it is time for me to sit back and reflect and send out a shout of gratitude for the two excellent writer conferences that I attended.


August 10th thru the 16th was the RRBC Writers Conference and Book Expo. To say that it was professionally done is an underestimation. There are not enough superlatives to describe what took place in me at the conference. It was an online conference that was superbly executed and had much to offer. Not only books but fun things as well, like Bingo. Yes, Bingo. I didn’t win anything, but it was fun to be among authors and share or listen to their day-to-day routine.


The conference was engaging. I lost sleep following it, but it felt soooo good. I personally have it on my calendar for next year, and I hope that two or three of my books are published so that they can be exhibited on an author’s stand that I will have at this great event.


The second writer’s conference was held by the Romance Writers of America. This was their first digital conference, and it was fantastic. The keynote speakers, the live sessions over marketing and planning, and the appearances of agents willing to share their know-how and experience were excellent.


Each of these conferences expanded my writing expertise. I left each of them more knowledgeable than I was before I attended, and that is what conferences are all about.


Shout outs to all the leaders and teams who made these two conferences possible.


Shalom aleichem,




Pat Garcia

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