Welcome to #RRBC’s 2nd Annual “A DAY IN MY LIFE” 30-Day Blogging Challenge! @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA @pat_garcia


Good Morning, Everyone,

We are approaching the halfway mark, and today, I will talk about NATIONAL WRITE YOUR STORY DAY, which I think needs to be banned until a person reaches eighty or eighty-five.

We have many books written by writers everywhere who want to tell their stories. The number of authors in the genre called Memoirs is continuing to increase. However, it is my humble opinion that writing a memoir between the ages of thirty and eighty is questionable. What have you experienced in that short time that may help someone else? 

Here I am attending the Writer’s Festival in Matera, Italy

I hear you yelling, “At thirty, life is over!” But who told you that? Some school of thought or some adult who may be unhappy at living? When I read the Memoirs of Victor Hugo, Victor Frankl, Corrie Ten Boom, Gail Sheehy, Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, and many others in my digital library, I found them telling me differently about writing their stories, and they lived worthy lives that told of their overcoming!

Here, I am working in my office, deep in concentration.

Therefore, I am not one of those people who think life is over at thirty. To be honest, I don’t know if I will write an autobiography about myself because my story is still ongoing, and I don’t know if I want to expose myself to an audience where I have to defend the messes that will go in the memoir I would write about myself. 

Singing at an International Congress near Cologne

Thus, I won’t be taking advantage of National Write Your Story Day, at least not yet. I will wait until I turn eighty-five or ninety, and maybe then, I will begin writing one. 

Take care and have a lovely day.

Shalom shalom,

Pat Garcia

Author: patgarcia

Writer, Blogger, Poet, Singer, Musician

14 thoughts on “Welcome to #RRBC’s 2nd Annual “A DAY IN MY LIFE” 30-Day Blogging Challenge! @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA @pat_garcia”

  1. Hi, Pat! After seeing these wonderful photos of you, with your gorgeous smile and singing for your blessed audience, I’d love to read your story about you, whether you write it now or at 99! The closest I’ll get to a memoir is what I wrote in Reflections of a Misfit, and that is mostly a story about God and what He’s doing. In fact, every single aspect of my life has God’s hand all over it. I suspect the same is true for you.


    1. Hello, Patti,
      I love your book Reflections of a Misfit and if I ever I write a memoir, it will be about what God has done in my life.
      Thank you so much for coming by and have a lovely day.
      Shalom shalom

    1. Thank you, JP.
      I see many people jumping into writing memoirs, and I usually ask myself why? What have they done that is significant? But to each his own.
      Have a lovely day.
      Shalom shalom

    1. Right On! Yvette. I don’t know whether I will write one. I just don ‘t know.
      Thank you so much for coming by.
      Have a lovely Sunday.
      Shalom shalom

  2. Hi Pat–I think it was Bob Dylan, who, many years ago, said, “Don’t trust anyone over 30.” Whoa. He’s now over 80 and received a Nobel Prize for Literature for his writing!

    I think if people are going to wait until they’re over 80, they should begin to keep a diary or notebook of stories to include in their memoirs, because they’ll forget the anecdotes that will be useful in the pages of their memoirs. I think that people who have limited careers in one area (e.g., a professional ice skater, basketball player, etc.) can write a memoir about only that time when they were in that profession for that limited time. I’ve often thought about writing a memoir about selected parts of my life (e.g., baseball stories, radio stories, stuff like that), but I’m not finished with any of those. I have kept the letters and emails I’ve received from my radio career. Those would be part of any memoir I would write. And I’m edging closer to that 80 mark every day!

    Interesting thoughts today.

    1. Hi My Dear Wanda,
      Well, I hope you have started keeping your diary. I have always kept some kind of diary and still keep it, but it doesn’t mean that I want anyone else to read what I have in it in book form.
      Take care and have a lovely Sunday.
      Shalom shalom

  3. Pat, the memoirs I have written are about relatives who have passed on and never got to see 80 or even 90. But I do agree with you that it doesn’t make sense to write one about yourself when you haven’t finished living your life. Unless something extraordinary happens to you that would justify telling your tale. An example: you are given an exit date to leave this world, then it becomes a necessity if you want to leave your loved ones with something to remember you by.

    Have a good 14th day of blogging.

    1. My Dear Shirley,
      The memoirs you have written and especially the one about your mother is excellent and inspiring. I enjoyed it greatly.
      Wait a while before you start writing one about yourself.
      Have a lovely day.
      Shalom shalom

  4. Loved reading this story Pat !Most of us in the later stages of our lives will have plenty to say. I, like you think no I won’t write the memoir just yet, because there is living to do and to live, that is I hope we do. Long may you thrive and survive Pat………

    1. Thank you for dropping by, My Dear Joy.
      I don’t know if I will write one. I will wait until that time comes.
      Take care and have a lovely day.
      Shalom shalom

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