Welcome to #RRBC’s 2nd Annual “A DAY IN MY LIFE” 30-Day Blogging Challenge! @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA @pat_garcia


Good Morning, Everyone,

Yesterday afternoon, my Mac wasn’t performing as it should. No matter what I did i.e. checking different online forums, everything stayed the same. So, I stopped working at 8:30 PM.

I sat and contemplated all of the steps I had been taking. Contemplation helps me in every area of my life. It chases the agitation away; I find peace with the fact that I wasn’t successful in solving the problem, but I had done all of the background work I needed to do to sleep well. And I did sleep well.

When I awoke to a beautiful blue sky winking at me through my window this morning, I knew I would have a lovely day.

My sky window in my bedroom

I went downstairs, made coffee, and meditated before I brought up my Mac. Last night, I chose International Happiness Day as the topic to write about. My Mac wasn’t working as it should. But I believe happiness is a choice I make.

Then it happened. An idea sprang before my eyes, and a tiny whisper said, “Try to do the task (I needed to scan a document) with your iPhone.”

I had never done that before. I laid the document on my printer and pulled my printer software up on my iPhone. Guess what? I learned to scan a document with my iPhone and save it to the files on my Mac. Voila! It worked!

When I looked on my Mac, I saw my file sitting among my documents. I have a smile of contentment on my face. I learned something new.

These little moments where I move from where I don’t know how and learn something new make me happy.

Have a HAPPY INTERNATIONAL HAPPINESS DAY, everyone, and do something to make you happy.

Shalom shalom,

Pat Garcia

Author: patgarcia

Writer, Blogger, Poet, Singer, Musician

21 thoughts on “Welcome to #RRBC’s 2nd Annual “A DAY IN MY LIFE” 30-Day Blogging Challenge! @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA @pat_garcia”

  1. Hi, Pat!

    Anytime I face a technical challenge, I ask my grandchildren. They’ve taught me so much! So glad you found a workaround and learned something new! And you have the right idea. Contemplate, don’t fret, and let the answer come to you. God has this.


    1. Hello, Patty,
      Good for you. I don’t have any grandchildren, so I ask God, and He always gives me the right fix. 😊
      Have a lovely day and take care.
      Shalom shalom

  2. You’ve learned to tackle a problem by not freaking out. Sometimes letting go gives us a way through. At least, relaxing one’s mind can lead to creative solutions. Brava, Pat! 😀

    1. Hello Marian,
      I don’t know what I would do, if I could not contemplate.
      Thank you so much for coming by and commenting.
      Take care and have a lovely day.
      Shalom shalom

  3. Pat, technology is complex. There are so many things we can do, but without the experience, we are just guessing. I am fortunate to have worked on computers since they first came on the market. Of course in accounting, we generally use PCs and not Macs. I have helped many others discover some of the amazing talents hidden in our computers and phones, and I am absolutely not an expert. I have just been trying stuff for years, and every now and then I get it right. Good for you, Pat!

    Most of our phones are better computers than our PCs or Macs.

    1. Hello, Karl,
      You are so right. Technology is complex and is getting more so.
      Take care and thanks for stopping by.
      Shalom shalom

  4. Hi Pat–Yes, it’s the little things that SHOULD contribute to our happiness. They add up to BIG things! I have no idea how to do that on my phone, but I have an Android. I did learn how to scan photos on it, but I have to try a document now. You have inspired me!

    1. Hello, Wanda,
      I hope scanning a document with your Android came out okay. It is a handy thing to know.
      Have a lovely day and take care.
      Shalom shalom

  5. I’ve always liked the idea of turning lemons into lemonade and it sounds like that’s something like what you did. Have a lovely day, Pat!

  6. Good for you Pat. It’s always so satisfying to learn about a new skill. You seem to be more technically minded than you thought you were.

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